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I Must Garden Mole & Vole Repellent

Regular price $59.50
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I Must Garden Mole & Vole Repellents gets rid of moles and voles from without harming the animals. Using a highly concentrated castor oil based formula, these natural repellents works by making the food source and environment of burrowing animals smell and taste unpleasant. This causes the animals to leave the treated area in search of a better habitat.

I Must Garden Mole & Vole Liquid Repellents contain all natural ingredients that can be used year round. For use on lawns, flower beds and everywhere moles and voles are causing issues. I Must Garden Mole & Vole Repellent is people and pet friendly and safe for the environment too!

The most potent mole and vole repellent available on the market.
For professionals as well as home use!

  • Super Strong Formula contains 97% Castor Oil plus Mint and Cedar Oils - Compare to other more expensive products!
  • Easy to use.
  • Natural ingredients – safe for people, pets and the environment.
  • Formulated specifically to repel moles and voles harmlessly.
  • Novel production platform technology.

Labeled to Naturally & Harmlessly Repel the Following Animals

  • Moles
  • Voles
  • Skunks
  • Chipmunks
  • Gophers
  • Ground Squirrels
  • Armadillos
    ...and other Burrowing Animals


  • Mix 1 part concentrate to 9 parts water. |Add mixture to watering can or garden sprayer and apply to desired areas.
  • Add ½ Gallon of diluted product per 1,000 square feet.


  • Apply to moist ground when possible at a rate of 2 lb. / 1,000 square feet. 


  • Thirty days from initial treatment, treat entire property with product at a rate of: Granular: 1 Pound/1,000 Square Feet - Mixed Concentrate: ¼ Gallon / 1,000 square feet.
  • Maintenance and preventative re-application rates will vary from 30-90 days depending on the surrounding infestations.

Spreader Settings

Exact application rates will vary by spreader type/condition and your walking speed. The average setting range for initial applications (of 1 lb. per 500 sq. ft.) is 4 to 6.  
*Testing was done using a Scott’s Turfbuilder Edgeguard Rotary Spreader, which has a dial range of 0-15. If your spreader has a smaller/larger dial range, you will need to adjust the setting accordingly to find the correct application rate).

If your spreader has different settings, follow these easy instructions to fins your optimal setting:

  1. The goal is to find the lowest setting where the repellent can flow freely from the spreader without skipping and pauses in the application. This setting will represent the lightest application you can achieve with a spreader that does not leave gaps in your application.
  2. Start by putting roughly 1 lb. of repellent in the hopper. Using a smaller amount will help the repellent flow more freely, and will give you a better idea of how much area you are covering with your chosen setting. 1 lb. of repellent should cover about 500 Square Feet if you are doing an initial application.
  3. Set your spreader to setting #1 and begin walking. Increase the setting by one until you achieve a light, but consistent flow. You will likely need to go up to a 4-5, and some spreaders require settings as high as 7-8.
  4. It is better to go too light and circle back for a second pass than go too heavy and not cover the entire area. Not every spreader on the market will allow our repellent to flow at the proper rate. If you are having trouble finding a setting that works, you may need to apply it by hand or use a different spreader.

Application Notes

  • Divide your property into several sections considering one or more areas where you want the animals to exit the property.
  • The first application should be in the section farthest from the exit area.
  • Water the repellent in after you have applied it. This is to make sure the ingredients are carried down to the root zone.
  • To avoid the watering steps before and after application, apply the repellent on a rainy day!
  • Treat first section and wait 5-10 days before treating each subsequent section.

For More Detailed Application Instructions See Label Here

  • Castor Oil ............................. 97.47%
  • Mint Oil  .................................. 1.53%
  • Cedar Oil ................................. 1.00%

I Must Garden Mole & Vole Active Ingredient (Granular)

  • Castor Oil ............................. 20.0% (Compare to other products at 15%!)
  • Mint Oil ................................... 0.75%
  • Cedar Oil ................................. 0.5%
  • 32 Ounce Hose End Sprayer (Covers 10,000 square feet).
  • 1 Gallon Liquid Concentrate (Covers 40,000 square feet).
  • 10 lb. Granular (Covers 10,000 square feet).
  • 25 lb. Granular (Covers 25,000 square feet).





Our sister company, Green Earth Ag & Turf, brings a decade of experience as the U.S. leader in providing Professional Landscapers, Farmers and Indoor Growers like you the best in organic products for higher yields, aesthetics and profits!  Discounted professional or wholesale prices can be found there.

to quickly and easily open a wholesale account with us or to get bulk and professional pricing. 

You can also contact us directly at (866) 374-5101 or for the top technical and customer service in the industry.  

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

The Moles and Voles are gone! Just follow the directions and way goodbye to destroyed crops!

Catherine Wells
Being patient.

Seems to work at first. They are back. I assume it takes awhile and consistency.