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Best Yet Biting Insect Spray

Regular price $14.50
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Best Yet Personal Insect Biting Spray from Neptune’s Harvest biting is the ultimate in personal relief from Mosquitoes, Fleas, Flies, Ticks, Green Heads, Chiggers, No-See-Ums and Gnats. A light misting application of this Cedar Oil Solution will provide all day protection. It will not sweat off like DEET products or other natural insect repellents. Best Yet can be used on children of all ages and animals of any kind. It can be applied directly to the skin or over clothing. It is clear and non-staining and will leave the skin with a clean smooth and refreshing feel not found with aerosol repellents. Best Yet can be used around the house to control those difficult insect invasions by Scorpions, Roaches and ants (sugar / pharos). It brings instant death to fleas, chiggers, lice or other targeted insects. Also used for the eradication of Head Lice. A quick shot on the target insect or its nest will result in immediate death to the insect. This non water base treatment will provide a barrier of entry against insect pests.

Best Yet is considered a Minimum Risk Pesticide (25b) by the EPA and is formulated with FDA food grade ingredients and Cedar Oil. Safe for Children and Pets. DEET free! 



  • Effective and Non-toxic!
  • DEET Free.  Made with natural Cedarwood Oil.
  • Great natural cedar smell.
  • Controls a wide range of pest insects.
  • Peace of mind for children, pets and the environment.


Insects Controlled by Best Yet Biting Insect Spray


  • Mosquitoes
  • Fleas
  • Flies
  • Ticks
  • No-See-Ums
  • Green Heads
  • Chiggers
  • Gnats
    ... and more!



· Cedarwood Oil .............. 10%


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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Not the Best

This product did not work against green head flys

Karen Amoroso

It works well while hiking on grassy wooded trails-no ticks!