Fertilizing with Fish?
Organic solutions come from everywhere and one of the best sources of natural nutrients comes right out of the ocean! Neptune's Harvest makes organic fertilizers out of everything from fish bits to crab shells and they all produce incredible results!
Why fish and seaweed?
Neptune's unique cold process extracts and protects fish's natural amino acids,
vitamins, enzymes, and growth hormones and creates a liquid formula. Fish are perfect for turning into fertilizer because they have already broken down nutrients like nitrogen that plants need into a form that plants can absorb. They're like fertilizer factories--with gills! Neptune's Harvest Fish Fertilizer is a fantastic addition to any fertilizing regimen.
Neptune's Harvest Seaweed supplement contains more than 60 naturally occurring nutrients that plants need to grow--most of this comes out of the seaweed itself! Using this supplement is guaranteed to:
- enhance plant development
- enhance flower color
- increase plant hardiness
- increase development of plant root systems
All of this makes for a stronger, healthier plant. It sounds too good to be true!
Neptune's Harvest also offers a Fish/Seaweed blend for an even more effective fertilizing regimen.
Why crab shells and kelp?
Crab shell is high in chitin (kite-en) which, in turn, promotes the growth of chitin-eating
bacteria. This is perfect for battling problems with fungi and nematodes, which both have tough exoskeletons made with--you guessed it--chitin. Neptune's Harvest Crab Shell formulations help to battle the harmful affects of nematodes and fungi, protecting the health of your plants!
Neptune's Harvest Kelp Meal is made out of Ascophyllum Nodosum (that's the brown stringy kelp with the little round bumps you sometimes see washed up on the beach after a big storm). It's recognized as one of the finest marine plants available for agriculture today. Plants fertilizing plants! Who would have thought of that? It contains all the organic matter, amino acids, and nutrients that will make your garden thrive.
Check out our whole line of Neptune's Harvest products here.
We also recommend coupling Neptune's Harvest with MicrobeLife to boost both plant health and soil health! You can read more about MicrobeLife and probiotics here.