Fall is here and the grubs are coming out in numbers we have not seen in years, likely due to the unusually high amounts of rain this summer. Excess water leads to more turf growth, which in turn creates a bumper crop for growing beetle larvae known as “white grubs”. Grubs eat turf roots, and with plush turf growth now peaking, the grubs are feasting. Damage can happen seemingly overnight; large dead spots in your lawns, animals (such as skunks, racoons, birds and moles) digging up your lawn; and grass flying up in clumps like tumbleweeds are all indicators that grubs are destroying your yard. Once the roots are destroyed by the grubs' ravenous appetite, lawn damage can be irreversible, and the expensive and time-consuming task of re-seeding or re-sodding your lawn is required to restore the grass. Both re-sodding and re-seeding are folds more expensive and much more time consuming to do than a cost-effective and easy application of grubGONE!.
Luckily, instead of spending your time and hundreds of dollars on re-sodding and re-seeding, there is a cost-effective organic solution that can be applied curatively right now to kill grubs: grubGONE!. grubGONE! is a game-changer for grub control; not only is it OMRI-Listed organic, the most stringent standard in the country, but it has proven to work as well as any of the toxic and harsh synthetic compounds with numerous side-by-side university studies. There is no compromise in efficacy; when grubGONE! is used, grubs will be eliminated as well as with products such as GrubEx®, Acelepryn®, Bayer Advanced®, or any other synthetic grub control products on the market. Unlike those other products, however, grubGONE! is not toxic to people, pets, wild animals or to pollinators and other beneficial insects; a true “silver bullet” for grub control, environmental safety and your health and peace-of-mind!
grubGONE! is a biological insecticide that uses a natural soil bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis galleriae or B.t.g., to control and prevent grub activity. This bacterium attacks all species of white grubs, including Japanese Beetle Grubs, European Chafer Grubs, Asiatic Beetle grubs, Oriental Beetle Grubs etc. Products such as Milky Spore or beneficial nematodes cannot do this. Most importantly, most synthetic compounds, like those found in Acelepryn and GrubEx, are not curative to grubs at this time of the year. B.t.g. does not harm bees, beneficial nematodes that also naturally kill grubs, or any other insects that are healthy for your lawn or the environment. Not only does grubGONE! work better than synthetics, but this organic product, made from a natural soil microbe we have all been exposed to our whole lives, does not carry any of the off-target toxicities to the environment, people and pets that is associated with more toxic synthetic chemical compounds.

To check for grubs, pull up a one foot by one foot area of turf and count how many grubs are present underneath. You can cut three sides of the turf area with a hand shovel for example, and roll it back to expose the soil and roots. If more than five grubs are found in one square foot, treatment with grubGONE! will be necessary to stop turf damage.
grubGONE! can be applied any time from now into November to kill grubs, applied now it is a once-a-year treatment only. grubGONE! can be applied in the granular form through any standard lawn spreader at a rate of 3 lb. per 1,000 square feet of turf. Spreader settings and instructions can be found by CLICKING HERE. grubGONE! has at least a three-year shelf life and comes in a re-sealable 10 lb. bag. 40 lb. bags are also now available for home use.
grubGONE! is a true game-changer and organic grub control product that works as well as more toxic options, does not cause any unintended damage to the environment, has no toxicity to people or pets and safe to use with pollinators and other beneficial insects. Unlike many other organic and synthetic products, grubGONE! kills all types of white grubs and can be used in the fall as a curative treatment. Most importantly, grubGONE! can save you the expensive cost and hassle of replacing your lawn by re-seeding or re-sodding. Applying grubGONE! now will halt this damage before it’s too late!
Now with FREE SAME OR NEXT DAY SHIPPING on all 10 lb. bags and packs! grubGONE! can be ordered easily through our online store by CLICKING HERE.